The Central Nebraska Humane Society differs from many other shelters in the area as we are contracted by local municipalities to house stray and other animals found in violation of local statutes in our community. This means we do not get to pick which animals enter our facility from these contracts. We provide kennels and care to every abandoned, stray, and lost animal from the Grand Island and Hall County area regardless of temperament or health status. We frequently house animals with bite histories, aggression, significant injuries, and advanced illnesses. CNHS is fortunate to have a network of rescue organizations to assist us with animals that have needs surpassing our resources and we rehabilitate every animal in-house that we can, but not all of these animals can be saved. CNHS does humanely euthanize animals in cases of extreme aggression or health conditions, either to end their suffering or for the safety of the community. CNHS does NOT euthanize animals due to time restrictions or lack of space.